President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Wizard of Whimsy
                A Hero Will Rise wing nut gladiator

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Wizard of Whimsy
              mad cow disease mad cowboy disease ten gallon hat

 President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya 
              Napolean Bonaparte Napolean Bushaparte Chevron Oil Phillips Oil Wizard of Whimsy

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Emperor One 
              Air Force One Napolean Wizard of Whimsy

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya 
               Napolean office grandeur desk Wizard of Whimsy

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Mission Accomplished Bechtel Halliburton NASA flight suit 
                Wizard of Whimsy

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Caesar coffin coffins toga Wizard of Whimsy

President George Bush President George W. Bush Dubya Mission Inadequate Air Force Carrier Wizard of Whimsy