Artists and musicians are invited to contribute tracks to the "Brain Scan Movies". Please provide one track; your name and name of track; a short description of track; and a short paragraph about yourself. Please submit in your own language and English.

Please try to match tempo of movie.

If track is longer than 60 to 90 seconds, extracts may be taken. The product for Internet will be in QuickTime movie format. It is understood that the track may be mixed (sequenced) with other tracks on a DVD or similar media. Any resulting DVD may be submitted to exhibitions, and other cultural events; but not for sale without further permission.

Please include the following certification: "I hereby certify that I am the creator of the track submitted herewith; that I have retained copyright ownership of the track submitted; and that use and publication of the track for the purposes herein will not be in violation of the copyright or other intellectual property rights of any third party."

Send by e-mail attachment to: Use the phrase "Brain Scan Movies" in the title line.

DMOMA reserves right to use/ or not use/ submissions. Please write if you have further questions.


W. Logan Fry
November 8, 2005