Karl Rove helps me figure things out. He's very smart!

Like this: "What's a voting block, Karl?" I ask.

"Why George," he replies, "Voting Block No. 1 is rich Americans who want to get richer. They love their McMansions, and drive fat-arse Escalades and Hummers.

"Voting Block No. 2 is frightened Americans still traumatized by the memory of 9/11; and who will give up their liberty for that phony sense of security that only we Republicans know how to give them!

"Voting Block No. 3 is Radical Christian Fundamentalists who see famine, plague, hurricane, war and destruction as hopeful signs on the Road to the Rapture!

"Put those three blocks together, and brand the college professors, intellectuals, scientists and writers of the nation as eggheads and defeatists and alarmists, and we'll win every time - hands down."

So - like I say - Karl is a genius! At least most of the time. At least when the people keep their eyes shut. That is, every year except 2006.

But we'll be back Folks! You betcha! You can bet a rattlesnake's rattles on it!!

On track for 2008!